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A Flower for Angela Page 15

  Ken finished his beer. "What are you going to do about it?"

  "Nothing… yet. I'll check on a couple of other possibilities just to make sure, and then Angela and I will confront Cathy and Lupe."

  Ricardo stood and tossed some bills on the table. Now that he finally had direction, he was impatient to get moving.

  "Whoever is threatening Angela,” Ken strode with Ricardo to the door, “I feel sorry for them. You aren't a man to cross."

  "Don't waste your sympathy." Ricardo’s brow lowered menacingly. No one would hurt Angela. He'd see to that.

  "YOU'RE CERTAIN NO ONE on your staff has anything to gain by discrediting me?" Angela cast a hopeful glance at Dr. Wheeler as she sat on the other bed in their shared hotel room, her feet stretched out in front of her.

  "There're plenty of professors who would gain from the abandonment of the whole language program, but I don't see how hurting you will do them any good. Attacking me or one of the others from the university is more their style."

  "But my program proves your theories."

  "Which is why you need to be at your best for the presentation today. Forget the letter and pull yourself together."

  "It's no use, I can't concentrate."

  "Our presentation is in two hours." Exasperation etched Dr. Wheeler's voice as she continued to try to encourage Angela. "I want you to verify in your own words the results you've seen. Use the samples of the children's work you brought."

  "I know what to say,” Angela sighed. She didn't want to let the professors down. "I just can't get charged up for our presentation when I'm so worried about Ricardo’s and my job."

  "He's more than capable of taking care of himself."

  “But the damage to his reputation if that report goes out—”

  "His reputation? What about yours?" Dr. Wheeler finally lost patience and tossed her papers aside. "You're the one under attack here."

  "Because of me, Ricardo—and even the entire district—could be harmed."

  "Nonsense. A scandal would only up his ratings. Besides, what if this has nothing to do with you at all? What if you're being used to get to Ricardo?"

  Angela's eyes widened as the doctor’s statement sunk in. Of course. Why hadn't she thought of it sooner? Someone wanted to attack Ricardo. In his line of work, he'd no doubt made plenty of enemies. Now she understood why his editor had recommended that he not run for the board a second term. Ricardo was becoming too newsworthy.

  "I must get in touch with him and warn him." She jumped up and began gathering papers, forgetting about her own situation, now that she thought Ricardo might be in trouble.

  "Be sensible." Dr. Wheeler grabbed Angela's hands to still her. "You're getting too emotional and losing your perspective."

  Angela fought back her tears and blurted, “But I love him.”

  "I know,” Dr. Wheeler sighed. "And you're letting that endanger your career, not to mention you’re on the verge of leaving us high and dry when we need you most for this presentation. Until all this blows over, you're better off staying away from the man. That way, no one can use you to get at him. Nor can they harm you."

  Angela's heart sank. Not see Ricardo? What about their weekend together? However, Dr. Wheeler had a point. If she continued this relationship, she and Ricardo would both lose.

  "You're right. The best thing I can do is stop seeing him until this is settled."

  "And the conference? Are you still with us?"

  Angela nodded.

  "You rest for an hour,” Dr. Wheeler ordered. "Think about what's at stake here. We're talking about revolutionizing the education system. We need your testimony. Remember your priorities."

  Angela groaned as Dr. Wheeler left the room. She owed the professors so much. Too much to let them down.

  As she lay there, she ran through the previous day's presentations. The educators who had attended their workshops had been impressed and eager for more information. The whole language staff had a huge chore ahead of them to publicize and implement their holistic approach. At least the work would help her to forget Ricardo.

  Their weekend had to be called off. Resolute, she phoned Ken. "Will you be in touch with Ricardo this morning?"

  "Sure. He just stepped out to run an errand before he heads for Tucson."

  What was Ricardo doing in Phoenix already? Maybe he'd learned something.

  "Tell him not to come down. We have to cancel the weekend." With a streak of uncharacteristic cowardice she added, "Tell him not to call me, either. We're through, Ken."


  "Please, Ken. It's what’s best for both of us. Will you tell him?"

  "All right. But he's not going to like it. He'll be calling to hear it himself."

  "Just tell him,” she reiterated before she hung up the phone.

  So much for being a martyr. She felt awful. He probably would call, too. Maybe she should go to Nogales and spend the weekend shopping in the Mexican border town. The thought failed to lift her spirits, but, somehow, she'd better get a grip—she had to finish the presentations.

  How she managed to present that morning, Angela never knew. Showing off her students' work inspired her, as did the enthusiasm of her listeners. Dr. Wheeler was right. She had to continue to fight for change in the educational system.

  She placed another transparency on the glass over the lens of the overhead projector. "When Carlos entered my class midyear, he was ashamed of his poor English and refused to work." Angela went on to relate how Carlos's attitude and work habits had improved immeasurably during the course of the year. She glanced up at his poem on the screen, her heart swelling with pride at his accomplishments.

  Turning to continue to address the crowd, Angela surveyed the packed conference room. Her throat tightened. Ricardo. He was here.

  With effort, she concluded her speech, which received a loud round of applause.

  While gathering her papers, she saw Ricardo’s approach out of the corner of her eye. She physically forced herself to stand still and not throw herself into his arms.

  "Are you finished here?"

  "That was my last presentation."

  "Good. You're coming with me."


  ANGELA JUST LOOKED at Ricardo in silence. He'd never ordered her around like this before. He appeared edgy and determined.

  "Did Ken get hold of you? I left a…"

  "I got the message. Let's go."

  Obviously, he intended to ignore the breakup. She had to make him understand that a relationship with her could harm him. She loved him. She must explain how she felt before telling him to leave without her. "Come with me to my room." Her voice quavered with emotion. With shaking fingers, she gathered her belongings before leading him upstairs.

  Once they were behind closed doors, she expected the inquisition to begin. But not a word escaped his lips. He just stood, hands in the pleated pockets of his white linen pants.

  He scanned the interior. Thank goodness she had packed everything away. It left the room neutral, with no personal signs of her exposed.

  "I want to explain,” she began, approaching him with hesitant steps.

  He turned with sudden purpose. "Not here. Where're your bags?"

  "They're packed and I'm ready to leave, so let’s talk here," she insisted with more force than she felt. Part of her wished he would just walk away so she could avoid this confrontation. But the other part, the bigger part, wanted the consolation of his love.

  Instead of responding, he opened her closet door, grabbed her suitcase and travel bag and headed for the door. "I'm parked illegally. Come on,” he ordered with a toss of his head that brooked no argument.

  "Where are we going? I told you, I can’t come to Sedona."

  "I'm not taking you to Sedona. You said you wanted to explain. We'll do it at my place." Impatience and a touch of defensiveness edged his tone.

  "Your place. That's ridiculous. We don't need—”

  He left the room before she
could finish. Hurriedly, she followed him out the door.

  "Let me leave a message for Dr. Wheeler." She veered towards the registration desk when they passed through the lobby.

  "No." His curt demand halted her in her tracks. She turned incredulous eyes in his direction and saw his jaw clench in determination. "I already talked to her and told her you were coming with me."

  "You presumed a lot." She jammed her hands on her hips and glared at him. "She and I have plans to leave for Nogales in a couple of hours."

  As soon as she had uttered the words, Angela realized her mistake.

  His expression grew stormier. The muscle in his jaw twitched. "Don't say a word until we get to my place,” he said, heading out of the hotel door.

  Angela trotted after him. "I can't just walk out of here. I haven't paid my bill or—”

  "You're checked out of your room." He tossed her bags in the trunk of the Ferrari.

  Angela jumped into the car before he could assist her and waited impatiently for him to join her. She fumed. He had no right to treat her this way, but she wasn't about to make a scene. People were already staring by the time they'd left the lobby, people she knew. This display wasn't going to help either one of them.

  Ricardo climbed into the driver's seat. His temper matched hers. Probably surpassed it. She supposed he had a right to be angry with her. He wouldn't appreciate her decision to spend the weekend with Dr. Wheeler instead of him. She had to make him understand why she’d made that choice.

  Ricardo drove out of the downtown congestion into the foothills of the resort city, but then headed east instead of north toward Phoenix. He pulled the car up the drive leading to the Ventana Canyon Resort.

  "I have a suite. We'll talk here,” he explained in a gruff voice at her questioning gaze.

  Angela surveyed the plush surroundings as she followed Ricardo. She definitely wouldn’t run into anyone she knew here. The desert resort was way out of her friends' league. The inn blended with the rugged terrain. Huge windows allowed the visitor a full view of the city of Tucson below them, and crags covered with the majestic saguaro cacti towered behind it.

  She followed Ricardo across the deck that surrounded the main pool and along a path that led to another level of buildings. Passing through a small, enclosed patio, Ricardo opened the sliding glass doors of a large two-bedroom suite.

  He deposited her cases on the floor and turned to confront her. She stiffened in defense, forgetting all the reasons she had allowed him to bring her here.

  "Now, suppose you start telling me what the hell's going on." He bunched his fists on his hips. "I don't like getting secondhand messages telling me to buzz off."

  "I was afraid if I told you in person, you'd try to change my mind.”

  "Damned right, I would." He scowled for a moment and then paced the living room. "Why?"

  Wanting to reach out to him, but not daring to, Angela grasped the full skirt of her silk dress with damp hands.

  "I refuse to be used to destroy you." Her resolve strengthened her voice so that it sounded deceptively calm and strong.

  "Destroy me!" A stream of Spanish oaths rent the air.

  When he paused for breath, she continued. "Don't you see? Somebody's using me to get to you." She had to make him realize that the rumors and accusations about them could discredit him.

  "What makes you think that?"

  "I talked to the professors." She licked her dry lips before explaining. "They—they aren't involved in the intrigue. I trust them."

  "So you think someone is after me?"

  "What else could it be?" She gripped the silk to keep her hands away from him.

  "It's not me, but you they're after."

  "There's no reason. I'm nobody…” She stepped back in alarm when he stiffened and was visibly keeping himself in check.

  "Don't ever say that again!" he growled. “You are somebody, somebody special.”

  How could she walk away from that? She had to break it off with him now or she would never be able to leave.

  "I must go." She started to back away. "I love you too much to be a party to your downfall."

  What had she said? She’d really done it now. She had to get away, but he stood between her and the glass entrance. Agitated, she turned and ran to the inside door, which she hoped led to the corridor. But her shaking fingers fumbled with the catch and she moaned with frustration as she he came up behind her.

  "Angela!” he cried out and pressed his body against hers, trapping her between him and the solid wood. "Don't leave, querida." She heard the agony in his voice.

  She had lost her heart and soul to this man, and her surrender to it calmed her.

  Ricardo pressed his face into the curve of her neck. She had said she loved him. Those words kept echoing in his head. An ugly fear had gripped him ever since he'd received the message that she wanted to sever their relationship. But he had only suspected the reason for it. Now that he knew for sure it wasn’t what she truly wanted, relief and happiness surged through him.

  From the moment he had seen Angela standing in front of her students, so proud of them and so enthused about her work, he had wanted her. Holding her now, he was filled with love.

  He could feel her tremors and knew he should reassure her.

  "You can't leave now. We have too much to settle." Slowly and carefully he turned her around to face him.

  If she had hesitated or shown an inkling of doubt, he would have held back. But the yearning in her expression cut the last thread of his self-control. He lowered his head and pressed kisses on her mouth.

  Angela's whole body trembled. How could she have ever thought she'd be able to walk out that door? She'd told him that she loved him, and she had meant it.

  "Stay and talk to me,” he whispered into her hair.

  "We'll talk. But later… I don't want to right now."

  He knew what she really wanted. He lifted her into his arms and carried her across the room. He eased her down so she was standing in front of the large sofa.

  "Kiss me,” she breathed against the pulsing skin of his neck. "Now, Ricardo. This minute."

  "I want to more than anything, right now. But are you sure?"

  "I need you."

  "Querida,” he whispered as he pulled her into his arms. In a tangle of arms and legs, they sprawled onto the sofa.

  A long sigh escaped Angela. Ricardo shifted his weight to his elbows and looked down into her face.

  Her eyes opened—incredible eyes that looked into the very core of his being. A smile formed in them, warm and luxurious, that let him see the pleasure she felt.

  "I feel delicious," she confirmed.

  "You are delicious." He nipped tenderly at her lips. When she nibbled back, Ricardo chuckled.

  "Witch,” he murmured.

  "Beast,” she teased.

  He admired her beauty. And she made him feel like a man. He started to rise.

  "Don't go. I love the feel of you."

  He rolled off of her. "You've had a long day. I don't want to take advantage of you now."

  "Ricardo. What about—”

  "Shhh. We'll talk about it later, after you’ve had a bath and some food."

  With another sigh, she finally conceded. Ricardo was relived. They would forget their problems in each other’s arms. Nobody would know they were together. Anyone who tried to reach her from school would figure she'd stayed in Tucson with the professors. What were a couple more days except more time for getting to know each other?

  MUCH LATER, Angela purred as the jets from the whirlpool swirled around her tender body. Ricardo stepped into the doorway.

  "I'm hungry," she announced, glad for the bubbles that covered her.

  "You worked up an appetite with all the tension you were under today."

  With a flick of her hand, she sent a spray of water at him.

  "I could have you for dinner instead of steak and lobster," he gazed amorously at her.

  "Don't you dare think
it. We're eating real food before I fade away to nothing."

  "We wouldn't want to ruin that sexy body. I'll order from room service."

  "Good idea. I don't feel like getting dressed."

  Ricardo waggled his eyebrows at her."You don’t?"

  "Of course, I’ll put some clothes on." Angela smiled mischievously. "I meant I didn't want to get dressed up."

  "Why, you're just a big tease."

  "¿Quién, me?" She reached for the sponge and began to slide it over her arms.

  His laughter vibrated across the steamy room. "The way you mix Spanish and English makes me laugh.”

  "Thanks a lot,” she said in mock annoyance. "All the studying I did, and you make fun of me."

  "What prompted you to learn Spanish?" he asked seriously.

  "I traveled in Latin America one summer. I was on a plane to San Jose, Costa Rica, and it crash-landed on a beach." She paused.

  "Why did your plane crash?"

  "I didn't know why, at first. For two hours I tried to find out. But no one spoke English, and my Spanish was so limited I didn't understand what they were saying."

  Her hands dropped in her lap as memories of the terrifying experience flooded her. In a hushed voice she explained how the custom authorities from San Jose had finally arrived to check the stranded passengers into their country. One of the officials spoke English and finally explained that San Jose was fogged in. The ancient aircraft had no flight instruments so they were forced to land on the beach.

  "For that you learned Spanish?" Ricardo shook his head as he laughed in disbelief.

  "I vowed never to be in that predicament again. I hated not knowing what was happening." Annoyed by his laughter and lack of understanding, she tossed the sponge at him. He caught it but didn't say anything, so she continued with her story. "That experience enables me to empathize with the students. I know how frightening it must be to enter a classroom full of strangers and not understand a word or know what's happening."